Ilker Boz, Ph.D.

Research Scientist

Research Interests:

  • Sustainable Pavement Materials, Bituminous Materials Characterization
  • Nondestructive Evaluation of Pavements, Pavement Rehabilitation and Preservation
  • Pavement Design and Analysis


  • M. Eng., Civil Engineering, Penn State University
  • Ph.D., Civil Engineering, Penn State University


  • International Road Federation Lifetime Membership
  • Member, Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists 


  • VTRC Jack H. Dillard Best Paper Award, "Simple and Practical Tests for Rutting Evaluation of Asphalt Mixtures in the Balanced Mix Design Process" (with S. Diefenderfer and J. Habbouche), 2023
  • VTRC Horizon Award, 2022
  • VTRC Jack H. Dillard Best Paper Award, "Balanced Mix Design for Surface Asphalt Mixtures: Phase I: Initial Roadmap Development and Specification Verification" (with S. Diefenderfer and J. Habbouche), 2021
  • One of the best three papers, awarded by International Road Federation, 1st Europe & Central Asia Regional Congress, 2015
  • International Road Federation Fellowship Class of 2014

Current Projects


Ilker Boz, Ph.D.

(434) 293-1923

Team Membership

Last updated: July 11, 2024

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