Environment, Planning, and Economics

Team Lead: John S. Miller, Ph.D., P.E.

The Environment, Planning, and Economics Team focuses on ways to protect the environment, preserve cultural resources, support Virginia’s multimodal transportation system, and maximize the benefits of Virginia’s transportation investments. 

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Team Lead: Hari Nair, Ph.D., P.E.

The Pavements Team conducts and implements research on innovative materials and methods that promote safe, healthy, affordable, and renewable pavement systems.

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Safety, Operations, and Traffic Engineering

Team Lead: Michael D. Fontaine, Ph.D., P.E.

The Safety, Operations, and Traffic Engineering (SOTE) Team focuses on how to improve the safety and efficiency of travel on Virginia roadways.

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Team Lead: Vacant

The Structures Team focuses on how to support and improve the VDOT's transportation structures, which primarily includes bridges, tunnels, culverts and ancillaries.

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Office of Strategic Innovation

Team Lead: Hari K. Sripathi, P.E.

The Office of Strategic Innovation (OSI) champions the use of innovative approaches and technologies.

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Team Lead: Kevin B. Wright

The Implementation Team identifies “early adopter” advocates for the implementation of research recommendations to improve VDOT agency operations and efficiency.

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Team Lead: Donna P. Cognata

The Administration Team provides core support for VTRC and its staff.

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Last updated: October 12, 2023

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