Planning Corridors for Transit Signal Priority while Considering Pedestrian Delay

Project No: 112001

Target Completion Date: September 21, 2020 Environment, Planning, and Economics

About the project:

The proposed study will develop guidance for VDOT for Transit Signal Priority (TSP) implementation for Virginia corridors. Five tasks are proposed to inform recommendations: an in-depth literature review; criteria identification and table development; expert review of criteria; tool development & application; and simulation & analysis. The literature review is expected to identify criteria that result in successful TSP operations not only at the transit level but also for overall network operations including pedestrian delay. Next, the criteria will be placed in a table - using weighted values - that will generate an overall quantitative recommendation score for TSP implementation. The resulting tool, which will be known as the VDOT TSP Recommendation Tool (TSPRT), will be reviewed by subject matter experts for accuracy and utility. Lastly, the TSPRT will be tested using simulation and evaluated statistically in selected Virginia corridors and refined as needed.

Project Team

Project Monitor

Other Investigators

  • Kevin Heaslip, Antonio Fuentes

Last updated: July 5, 2023

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