Peter B. Ohlms, AICP

Senior Research Scientist

Research Interests:

  • Multi-modal transportation planning 
  • Public transportation planning and operations
  • Bicycle and pedestrian planning and design
  • Transportation policy


  • M.R.P., Transportation and Land Use, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • B.S., Civil Engineering (Transportation), University of Virginia


  • Chair, TRB Committee AP025, Public Transportation Planning and Development
  • American Planning Association
  • Institute of Transportation Engineers
  • Chair, NCHRP Project Panel on Implementing A Guidebook for Urban and Suburban Roadway Cross Section Reallocation


  • American Institute of Certified Planners


  • VTRC Tilton E. Shelburne Award, 2023
  • Paper Reviewer of the Year, TRB Committee AP025, Public Transportation Planning and Development, 2023 
  • Jack H. Dillard Best Paper Award "How's that Diet Working: Performance of Virginia Road Diets" (with L. E. Dougald), 2021
  • VCTIR Jack H. Dillard Best Paper Award, 2014
  • VCTIR Horizon Award, 2013
  • Egan Award for the Outstanding Application of Information Technology, 2006

Current Projects


Peter B. Ohlms, AICP

(434) 293-1991

Team Membership

Last updated: July 11, 2024

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