Target Completion Date: April 30, 2009 Pavements
As part of the 2005 Innovative Bridge Research and Construction Program, Virginia received a grant to implement light-weight, self-consolidating concrete (LWSCC) in PCBT bridge girders. One aspect of the design which would benefit from data collected in laboratory testing is the shear design. Light-weight concrete typically has lower tensile strength, and hence lower shear strength, than normal weight concrete of the same compressive strength. In addition, because self-consolidating concretes use a larger percentage of fine aggregates, it is possible that the aggregate interlock contribution to shear strength will also be reduced. Because of these uncertainties in the calculation of the concrete contribution to the shear strength, it is proposed to test one PCBT-53 girder fabricated with LWSCC in the Virginia Tech Structures and Materials lab to better understand the behavior of the concrete in shear.
Last updated: July 5, 2023