Determining a Method for Ranking Commercially Available Corrosion Resistant Metal Reinforcement

Project No: 91890

Target Completion Date: June 30, 2011 Structures

About the project:

As the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) shifts from using epoxy-coated reinforcing bars (ECR) in bridge-deck construction to low-cost corrosion resistant steels (CRR), it is important for the department to have a method to characterize the candidate bars.  Characterizing the candidate bars is vital to ensure the bars respond physically in a manner consistent with the department’s expectations.  This study will provide VDOT’s Materials pision with a method and specification for evaluating candidate bars.  In addition, this study will include testing several new candidate bars, possibly providing some additional lower-cost reinforcement bars for VDOT’s Structure and Bridge pision

Project Team

Principal Investigators

Last updated: July 5, 2023

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