Computational Enhancements for the VDOT Regional River Severe Storm Model (R2S2) Phase II

Project No: 111957

Target Completion Date: May 31, 2019 Environment, Planning, and Economics

About the project:

The R2S2 model is an operational tool to assist VDOT staff in allocating resources when severe storms and flooding necessitate road closures, and to assist first responders with accessing flood prone areas. It is a cutting-edge flood modeling system. In Phase I of this study, the original model was enhanced in several important ways, including automating retrieval of the model's rainfall forecast inputs, speeding up the model run time 50x, and enhancing the model's visualization and notification features for VDOT operational personnel. In this Phase II study, the accuracy of the R2S2 model output will be further evaluated; the model will be further calibrated to improve its predictive accuracy for historical flooding events, and new automated workflows (internal to R2S2) will be developed so that the model can run end-to-end with minimal human intervention during extreme weather events. These enhancements are intended to enhance the R2S2 model's usefulness to VDOT personnel actively making decisions in extreme weather events.

Project Team

Other Investigators

  • Jonathan Goodall

Last updated: July 5, 2023

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