Trip-Generation Method for Small Area Plans

Project No: 99047

Target Completion Date: October 31, 2011 Environment, Planning, and Economics

About the project:

Recent policy initiatives in Virginia have sought to improve coordination of transportation and land-use planning. In 2006, Chapter 527 legislation enabled VDOT to mandate the contents and presentation of traffic-impact analyses prepared for new developments, including trip-generation estimates. The trip-generation method endorsed by the Institute for Traffic Engineers (ITE), however, has been shown to overestimate trip generation for infill, urban or transit-oriented developments, as it was based on data from suburban sites not served by transit. 

This study will identify or develop, then test and refine, a non-ITE method suitable for use in estimating trip generation for developments proposed in Small Area Plans – typically dense and mixed-use developments that are transit, bicycle and pedestrian-friendly. The research is necessary to bring VDOT into compliance with 2009 amendments to Virginia's Traffic Impact Analysis regulations by the July 1, 2011, deadline.

Project Team

Co-Principal Investigators

Last updated: July 5, 2023

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