SHRP II Performance Specifications

Project No: 85827

Target Completion Date: March 11, 2008 Structures

About the project:

The project is a subcontract to a much larger SHRP II project on Performance Specifications for the Rapid Renewal of the Infrastructure.  VTRC is a subcontractor to TDC Partners, LTD and Trauner Consulting Services working on SHRP contract on Performance Specifications for Rapid Highway Renewal, project number SHRP II R07. The six staff are Bill Maupin, Kevin McGhee, Celik Ozyildirim, Brian Diefenderfer, Khaled Galal and Michael Sprinkel. The large project is 3 years at about $3 million and  VCTIR should  contribute as a resource for about a total of $250,000 over the 3 years. The effort will include literature searches and reviews and the development and refinement of specifications for bridges and pavements.

Project Team

Principal Investigators

Last updated: July 5, 2023

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