Repairs with Self Consolidating Concrete and Galvanic Anodes to Extend Bridge Life

Project No: 96397

Target Completion Date: August 28, 2017 Structures

About the project:

The Virginia Department of Transportation currently uses A3 concrete or shotcrete to repair bridge columns and the vertical and overhead sections of pier caps. Both materials have drawbacks.

A3 repairs usually protrude and have poor consolidation, aesthetics and bonding. Shotcrete is a highly variable repair material, requiring an experienced operator to ensure good bonding and a quality product.  Further, for small jobs, mobilizing shotcrete equipment can be an issue.

SCC repairs exhibit high flow rates without external consolidation, and the material bonds well and provides smooth surfaces.  SCC mixes also can be designed to reduce permeability, further increasing the structure’s service life.

The researchers will study additional service life for the SCC repair by using galvanic anodes in some repair areas.  Such anodes have the potential of delaying corrosion around the repair area, because the zinc in the anode will corrode rather than the steel in the infrastructure, further minimizing maintenance.

Project Team

Co-Principal Investigators

Last updated: July 5, 2023

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