Recycling of Salt-Contaminated Storm-Water Runoff for Brine Production at VDOT Road-Salt Storage Facilities

Project No: 81142

Target Completion Date: May 19, 2008 Environment, Planning, and Economics

About the project:

To address the problem of salt water collection and disposal at VDOT's 300+ salt storage locations, researchers at VCTIR and UVA ia undertook a study to define more fully the extent of VDOT’s salt water collection, recommend ways of reducing the volumes collected, and identify potential methods of water treatment.  While specific recommendations have been made regarding methods to reduce the amount of saltwater collected, efforts to treat the water that was captured did not appear to be cost effective at this time.  As an alternative to treatment, we propose to investigate the use of recycling the salt-conatminated stormwater runoff at the facilities for on-site brine production.  This brine could potentially used for both prewetting purposes and direct application.

Project Team

Principal Investigators

Last updated: July 5, 2023

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