Range-Wide Assessment of Habitat Suitability for Roanoke Logperch (Percina Rex)

Project No: 73839

Target Completion Date: January 11, 2007 Environment, Planning, and Economics

About the project:

The Roanoke Logperch (Percina rex) is a federally endangered fish inhabiting four disjunct areas in Virginia, including the Pigg, upper Roanoke, Smith, and Nottoway river drainages. Siltation from highway projects is one of the main threats to this species. Permits are required for each Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) construction project in the vicinity of its known range, resulting in survey costs and project delays. With the potential construction of I-73 through much of its known range, these costs are expected to dramatically increase. This project will include identification and ranking of sites with relatively high habitat suitability for this species, and the creation of a screening model that will eliminate the need for the majority of these surveys. This model will result in long-term savings for VDOT in terms of survey costs and costs of project delay.

Project Team

Principal Investigators

Last updated: July 5, 2023

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