Land-Development Risk Analysis for the Statewide Mobility System

Project No: 95129

Target Completion Date: December 19, 2011 Environment, Planning, and Economics

About the project:

This research project will develop and test a model that can forecast ten-year land development in the vicinity of the 5,700-mile Statewide Mobility System (interstates and major primary roads). It will also implement the model in a GIS environment.

Data sources include population and employment; conservation,  preservation and other defined-use parcels; geometry and terrain; and real-estate transactions.  The forecasted land development adjacent to transportation facilities may then be compared to existing access-point densities.  Such a comparison will help VDOT and its planning partners (MPOs, PDCs and localities) identify locations where land development would require transportation improvements.

By extension, such comparisons will help VDOT identify how to minimize the transportation impacts of adjacent land development through key processes, such as corridor access management and site plan reviews that accompany land development.

Project Team

Project Monitor

Other Investigators

  • J. Lambert

Last updated: July 5, 2023

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