Incorporating the 10th Edition Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Rates into Virginia DOT (VDOT) Regulations

Project No: 116549

Target Completion Date: August 12, 2021 Environment, Planning, and Economics

About the project:

The trip rates in the 10th edition ITE Trip Generation Manual are substantially lower 2than those of previous editions for several reasons: the exclusion of pre-1980 data, the inclusion of urban and exurban land types for some types of land uses, and in some cases additional studies. Acordingly, consultants are tending to use the ITE 10th edition (with its lower trip rates) and then apply trip reduction percentages (from the TIA regulations, which were created based upon 8th edition) to these already-low rates. The purpose of this research is to determine which of three options are most suitable for Virginia land development analysis: (1) using the rates in the ITE 9th edition with trip reduction factors; (2) using the rates in the ITE 10th edition but without trip reduction factors; and (3) using the rates in the 10th edition but with trip reduction factors

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Other Investigators

  • Kun Xie

Last updated: July 5, 2023

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