Improving Inventory and Investment of Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Through Targeted Public Outreach

Project No: 112109

Target Completion Date: January 31, 2020 Environment, Planning, and Economics

About the project:

VDOT is committed to providing and maintaining transportation infrastructure for a transportation system of multiple modes and all user groups, including users with special needs. To meet these commitments, VDOT needs to effectively plan, engineer, and manage its transportation assets, including bike lanes, sidewalks, curb ramps, and Accessible Pedestrian Signals (APS). The objective of the project is to determine the most practical and effective method for engaging targeted users of VDOT bike and pedestrian facilities to help 1) develop the inventory of these facilities and 2) improve investment in these facilities. To achieve this objective, the project will develop a framework to integrate the existing tools, resources, and systems of VDOT with a crowdsourcing method and a targeted public outreach efforts to maximize the relevance, cost-effectiveness, and quality of the data. The proposed framework will help VDOT to build a routine mechanism to get feedback from the targeted users and improve the project initiation process.

Project Team

Project Monitor

Other Investigators

  • Shanjiang Zhu

Last updated: July 5, 2023

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