Implementation of Pervious Concrete for Stormwater Management at VDOT Facilities

Project No: 00098

Target Completion Date: September 30, 2017 Structures

About the project:

Pervious concrete is an option for stormwater management, as it allows runoff to percolate into the ground where soil or bedrock can filter pollutants. Federal and state regulations require the use of such methods to limit the release of contaminants from sources such as pavement surfaces into water bodies.

Pervious concrete performs best under light loads, such as parking lots, shoulders and sidewalks. For it to continue being permeable and serve as a best management practice for stormwater runoff, pervious concrete requires maintenance to prevent sediment and debris from clogging its surface.

This study will examine the performance of pervious concrete with various void contents and the corresponding material properties, infiltration rate and maintenance requirements necessary for effective stormwater management at Virginia Department of Transportation facilities, such as safety rest areas and park-and-ride lots.

Project Team

Principal Investigators

Other Investigators

  • Gail Moruza

Last updated: July 5, 2023

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