Implementation of Coating Removal Technique for Steel Components on VDOT Bridges

Project No: 109552

Target Completion Date: December 31, 2018 Structures

About the project:

The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) spends millions of dollars annually on bridge maintenance statewide, with bridge coating maintenance accounting for a relatively large percentage of this cost. This project will evaluate the use of a laser ablation coating removal (LACR) system on VDOT bridge components in a real world environment. The evaluation will determine if the LACR method: (1) permits VDOT to eliminate the need for certain current practices which impede efficiency and increase cost; and (2) provides any additional improvements when used on steel bridge elements. This project will include on-site and off-site components, both conducted in a field environment. The off-site testing will include employing the LACR system on bridge structure sections, environmental health-safety monitoring, and technical analysis. The on-site testing will be conducted on a VDOT bridge for the effectiveness of LACR, environmental-health safety concerns, and effectiveness (adhesion) of re-painted coatings.

Project Team

Principal Investigators

Co-Principal Investigators

Other Investigators

  • James M. Fitz-Gerald, Sean R. Agnew

Last updated: October 12, 2023

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