High-Performance/High-Strength Lightweight Concrete for Bridge Girders and Deck

Project No: 87976

Target Completion Date: February 25, 2011 Pavements

About the project:

This project is part of NCHRP Project 18-15, High-Performance/High-Strength Lightweight Concrete for Bridge Girders and Decks. Virginia Tech has contracted with the Virginia Transportation Research Council to conduct a series of materials tests on lightweight high-performance concrete mixtures.  In addition to the battery of materials testing, VCTIR staff will assist with the design and testing of full-scale structural elements to be tested at the Virginia Tech Structures Lab. The objectives of this research effort are to assist Virginia Tech with:

(1) Developing guide specifications for the use of lightweight concrete in high-performance/high-strength concrete prestressed girders and in high-performance bridge decks, and

(2) Recommending changes to the AASHTO LRFD (Load and Resistance Factor Design) Bridge Design Specification and the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications relevant to high-strength lightweight concrete girders and high-performance lightweight concrete decks


Project Team

Principal Investigators

Co-Principal Investigators

Last updated: July 5, 2023

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