Evaluation of Using Higher Percentage of Rap in Asphalt Mixes in Virginia

Project No: 85364

Target Completion Date: June 20, 2008 Structures

About the project:

Industry has indicated that use of high RAP content in mixes will save money and in a competitive bid situation the savings would hopefully be passed on to the user agency such as VDOT. The purpose of this study will be to determine the effect of increased RAP percentage on performance and cost of the hot-mix asphalt mixes produced for VDOT during 2007.  The special provision copied note allowing increased RAP is available on selected schedules in 4 of the Department’s districts but it is not known how often it will be utilized by contractors; therefore, it is not known how much evaluation can be accomplished.  Similarly, Value Engineering proposals can be submitted by contractors for specific schedules and projects at any time.

Project Team

Co-Principal Investigators

Last updated: July 5, 2023

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