Target Completion Date: January 25, 2011 Environment, Planning, and Economics
The objective of this study is to develop a methodology to measure mobility in urban transportation corridors to support project level decision making. Transportation agencies struggle with measuring mobility, and measures are very seldom multimodal. Both VTrans 2025 and VDOT’s FY08 Business Plan stress the importance of multimodal mobility measures, yet measures developed by VDOT to date are for automobile travel and do not include other modes (e.g., transit, pedestrians, or bicycles). The proposed research will first measure the mobility choices that are currently available in a particular corridor; i.e., it will identify the potential in the corridor for multimodal mobility. This can then serve as a baseline for further analysis and for the identification of ways to increase multimodal mobility in the corridor. The project’s scope will be limited to the mobility of people in an urban corridor rather than freight.
Last updated: July 5, 2023