Development and Implementation of Geotechnical Software

Project No: 87125

Target Completion Date: May 23, 2008 Pavements

About the project:

The objective of this project is to interact with VDOT’s Central Office Materials pision and District materials engineers and geologists to revise, develop and implement various pieces of software needed to update the process of geotechnical data entry and reporting. The design and construction of transportation projects require subsurface or geotechnical information.  Such data are compiled in a form of borehole logs, representing soil and rock conditions at particular locations.  VDOT has been using a commercial software package, called “gINT,” for this subsurface data entry and reporting. While “gINT” offers a good tool for subsurface data storage and reporting, it requires development of customized data-entry templates and output report formats to interact with other software products used by state departments of transportation.  Various needs have been identified, such as interfacing with MicroStation, Geopak and GPS data receivers.

Project Team

Principal Investigators

Last updated: July 5, 2023

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