Target Completion Date: June 29, 2012 Environment, Planning, and Economics
With more than 54,000 deer-vehicle collisions in Virginia in 2008, removing animal carcasses from the road and properly disposing of them is an important service on Virginia roadways. Many VDOT maintenance areas have a need for viable, environmentally compliant, and cost-effective carcass management strategies. The purpose of this study is to determine the utility and feasibility of two different composting methods, windrow composting and the Ecodrum compost vessel, as carcass management options for VDOT. This will be achieved by working closely with select VDOT maintenance areas in constructing and operating composting sites that meet state environmental requirements; monitoring and documenting the composting process; and evaluating the costs and benefits of each method. The final report for the study will include detailed guidelines for composting in order to refine the process and increase implementation prospects throughout VDOT maintenance areas.
Last updated: July 5, 2023