Botetourt County Road Orders 1770-1778

Project No: 78150

Target Completion Date: February 8, 2007 Environment, Planning, and Economics

About the project:

The Historic Roads of Virginia series, initiated by VCTIR in 1973, has resulted in the transcription and publication of the 18th century transportation-related court records ("road orders") for numerous Virginia counties. These records constitute the primary evidence for early road development and outline early settlement and transportation corridors in a large portion of Virginia. The latest proposed study, Botetourt County Road Orders 1770-1778, will cover the period when Botetourt County was a giant county stretching through much of the southern Valley of Virginia and into southwest Virginia. This study will provide readily accessible transcription and index of the transportation-related records for a large portion of western and southwestern Virginia during an historically-important period. It will allow VDOT staff and cultural resource consultants to save many hours on research related to transportation projects in this area, including proposed improvements to I-81.

Project Team

Principal Investigators

Last updated: July 5, 2023

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