Assessment of Trip Generation Estimation Methods for Mixed-Use, Infill, Transit-Oriented, or Smart Growth (MITUS) Developments

Project No: 107895

Target Completion Date: July 31, 2016 Environment, Planning, and Economics

About the project:

Reliable and accurate estimates of trips generated by land developments on transportation systems are critical for creating effective impact mitigation plans that will best serve communities.

For many decades, automobile trips have been estimated based on trip generation rates developed by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). The application of traditional ITE rates typically results in overestimations of the number of automobile trips that mixed-use, infill, transit-oriented or smart growth (MITUS) developments generate.

Recently developed alternative (i.e., alternative to ITE) trip generation methods focus on different aspects of one or more MITUS land development types using varied input data and providing different types of outputs.

This study will identify currently available non-ITE trip generation methods and their data requirements; review results of method validation efforts; investigate other states’ experiences with the use of non-ITE methods; and develop a plan of work for the subsequent application of selected non-ITE trip generation methods to Virginia cases.

Project Team

Principal Investigators

Last updated: July 5, 2023

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