Target Completion Date: March 22, 2010 Environment, Planning, and Economics
The Metropolitan Transportation Planning Final Rule (§450.306) requires the transportation planning process to address eight factors, one of which is to “increase the safety of the transportation system for motorized and non-motorized users.” For this study, improved safety is defined as reducing severe roadway crashes causing death and injury. To support Virginia’s MPOs in meeting this requirement, VDOT, in conjunction with the Virginia Strategic Highway Safety Plan, has initiated efforts to incorporate safety into the regional planning process. This study will identify best practices other states and countries use that incorporate safety in the process; identify obstacles MPOs face when seeking to consider safety at the planning stage in Virginia; develop a template for incorporating safety, given the limited information available at the planning stage; and test the template in a case-study area and identify training and resources required to sustain the effort long term.
Last updated: July 5, 2023