Pilot Implementation of a Vehicle Occupancy Data Collection Program

Project No: 122189

Target Completion Date: March 31, 2024 Environment, Planning, and Economics

About the project:

This project implements two recommendations in the forthcoming report titled Development of Guidance for a Corridor Level Vehicle Occupancy Rate Data Collection Program (Project No. 118055).  This project first extracts occupancies from crash data in the VDOT Richmond District as a case study, building a GIS-based workflow and documenting the time required.  The project then demonstrates how to remove potential crash bias.  These two steps satisfy the recommendations of the forthcoming VTRC report.  However, to show their potential value to VDOT, this project adds another deliverable: demonstrate the impact of using local occupancy rates on some decision of interest to planners, which in this case is proposed to be placement of a park and ride lot.  This pilot project may be modified at the discretion of the project technical review panel.

Project Team

Principal Investigators

Co-Principal Investigators

Other Investigators

  • Yiqing Xu

Last updated: April 2, 2024

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