Published in 1994
This study focuses on defining HOV systems and their components, criteria, and related issues in a systems planning context (as compared with the conventional project level planning). Definitions are provided to establish the physical and socioeconomic elements of HOV systems. Appropriate system performance criteria are developed for the purpose of evaluating HOV facility designs, operational strategies, and policy options. A set of timely issues associated with a systems level for HOV planning and analysis are established. Methods to evaluate alternative policies specifically for HOV systems are then investigated. Representative analytical models that have been used in HOV studies (for demand estimation and system simulation) that appear appropriate in the analysis of HOV systems are reviewed. A test case scenario in Northern Virginia is used to demonstrate this utility of a mode choice model (MWCOG Mode Choice Model) and a freeway simulation model (FREFLO) to address the choice between HOV3+ and HOV2+. The mode choice model demonstrates the changing levels of patronage for the HOV facility, and the simulation model evaluates the performance of the facility for changing conditions. The execution of the case study demonstrates the basis for a methodology for a complete HOV systems analysis.
Last updated: December 23, 2023