Published in 1991
The utility of the simulation package TRAF-NETSIM to the traffic engineer is assessed and demonstrated by means of a case study. The methodology employed in performing the analysis is presented in a way that will aid future users of TRAF-NETSIM. The advantages and disadvantages of TRAF-NETSIM are documented along with the human resource requirements for a first-time application of the program. TRAF-NETS1M permits the engineer to compare alternative control and design strategies for a traffic intersection, corridor, or network and allows the user to design and test within the office environment the simulation of many traffic options. TRAF-NETSIM attempts to be as realistic as possible. Lanes can be channelized for turns only or designated for carpool or bus activity: Pedestrian activity, long- and short-term events, and bus routes can be simulated as well. Creativity permits the engineer to evaluate unusual networks when required. The output of TRAF-NETSIM provides the user with a host of measures of effectiveness to compare traffic options. Delay time/vehicle, number of phase failures, speed, vehicle miles, stops/vehicle trip are some of the measures of effectiveness that can be used to evaluate networks.
Last updated: December 25, 2023