Study of VDOT's Policy Format and Formulation

Report No: 89-TA3

Published in 1987

About the report:

In May 1987, Deputy Commissioner Mabry established a task force, led by the Office of Policy Analysis, to examine the overall configuration of agency policy instructions, as well as processes for their formulation and communication. In conducting this analysis, the task force reviewed the Code of Virginia and develop definitions and criteria policy instruction; other secondary resources to for the various levels of inventoried all known policy instructions used by the Department; surveyed several levels of VDOT management regarding the existence of any problems related to the framework and format of VDOT's policy instructions, as well as to procedures and roles associated with their formulation and communication; surveyed other government agencies about their policies and formulation procedures; and conducted a content analysis of the Department Policy Memoranda (DPM). The report gives ten major findings and conclusions, along with eleven recommendations.

Disclaimer Statement:The contents of this report reflect the views of the author(s), who is responsible for the facts and the accuracy of the data presented herein. The contents do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of the Virginia Department of Transportation, the Commonwealth Transportation Board, or the Federal Highway Administration. This report does not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation. Any inclusion of manufacturer names, trade names, or trademarks is for identification purposes only and is not to be considered an endorsement.


  • Pat Suarez, Jack Corley, Bill Davidson, Pete Kolakowski, Constance Sorrell, Bob Sumpter, Rick Walton, Bill Winfrey, Gary R. Allen, Ph.D.

Last updated: December 28, 2023

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