Published in 1984
The objective of this research was to investigate the potential uses of the annual submittal and output data that result from the Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS), to determine what the data needs and uses of the Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation are, and to make recommendations as to how the HPMS data could be effectively used by the agency. A literature search and a survey of the 50 state transportation agencies were conducted to determine what innovative applications of the HPMS are being developed in the field. The Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation was also surveyed to determine what its current data needs and uses are, and to then relate the HPMS applications to Departmental data needs. It is recommended that the Department (I) distribute the HPMS report to key persons in the organization as an educational tool, (2) have the districts and divisions review the annual data table summaries for potential applications, (3) review the HPMS data prior to requesting the collection of new data or extensive system level calculations to avoid duplication of effort, and (4) commit itself to maximum usage of the HPMS, keeping abreast of developments in HPMS applications, and integrate the analytical package into Department activities.
Last updated: January 16, 2024