Published in 1979
The Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation is one of seven state and federal agencies participating in a field evaluation of a stripping test method developed under NCHRP Project 4-8(3), "Predicting Moisture-lnduced Damage to Asphaltic Concrete". In the Virginia portion of this field phase of the project, an evaluation is being made of the effectiveness of the method in predicting the degree of stripping that will occur on a 950-ft. (290-m) test section constructed with an asphaltic concrete believed to have a tendency to strip. The test method was used on specimens prepared in the laboratory and on cores taken immediately after construction of the test section in an attempt to predict the stripping susceptibility of the mix. On the basis of the results of those tests it was predicted that stripping would occur over a long period. Tests on cores being taken periodically show decreasing strength values that probably are a result of progressive stripping, that was very evident in cores taken at 22 months.
Last updated: January 26, 2024