Published in 1975
The raw data and the initial curves for the study entitled, "An Evaluation of the Effects of Tread Depth, Pavement Texture, and Water Film Thickness on Skid Number-Speed Gradients" are so voluminous that they are included in the Supplement rather than in the final report of this study. For economy and convenience, they have been copied from the computer printouts. The individual test values are in Tables 1-33, with the tables having the same numbers as the sites they represent. Graphic representations of the data are given in three figures for each site. The first figure shows the speed gradient curve for each tire and water condition and is designated by the letter S followed by the number of the site it represents; the second shows the effect of tread depth for each speed and water condition and is designated by the letter T followed by the number of the site; and the third shows the effect of water film for each speed and tire condition and is designated by the letter W followed by the number of the site. Because sites 14 and 15 were tested for only two tire conditions and one water condition, they are not included in the graphic form.
Last updated: February 5, 2024