Published in 2002
A hurricane can be crippling to a regional transportation system such as the Hampton Roads District of Virginia. Preparedness and recovery by the highway agency, in coordination with localities and emergency services, is critical to minimizing the short, medium, and long term effects of the event. In prior efforts, investigators characterized costs, risks, and benefits of managing spares of signs, signals, and lights in anticipation of hurricane damage (Lambert et al. 1998). In addition, use was made of probabilistic hurricane forecasts for inventory planning and operation. Based on the prior efforts, the research problem is identified as follows: (1) improving the basis for priority setting in recovery efforts; and (2) adoption elsewhere (i.e., in addition to sign-signal-light inventory) in the agency of risk-cost-benefit assessments and evaluation to improve the agency's preparedness and response capability.
Last updated: December 9, 2023