Enhanced Ultrasonic Inspection of Steel Bridge Pin Components
Authors: Margarit G. Lozev, Sanjiv D. Parikh, Paul A. Fuchs
Evaluating Improvements in Landside Access for Airports
Authors: Heather Wishart Shriner, Lester A. Hoel, Ph.D.
Development of Decision Support Systems for Real-time Freeway Traffic Routing: Volume II
Authors: Adel W. Sadek, Brian L. Smith, Michael J. Demetsky, Ph.D., Catherine C. McGhee, P.E.
Peninsula Transportation District Commission Route Deviation Feasibility Study
Authors: Priya K. Durvasula, Brian L. Smith, Rod E. Turochy, Stephen C. Brich, Michael J. Demetsky, Ph.D.
A Survey of Transportation Planning Practices in State Departments of Transportation
Authors: E. D. Arnold, Patricia A. Weichmann, Jeffrey A. Capizzano