Effect of Carbon-Negative Carbon Black on Concrete Properties

Project No: 125840

Target Completion Date: July 31, 2026 Structures

About the project:

This research endeavor aims to transform concrete production by investigating new materials and formulations that help minimize its environmental impact. The cement industry's substantial greenhouse gas emissions, primarily due to clinker production for ordinary Portland cement (OPC), have led to a pursuit of alternative strategies to reduce CO2 emissions, such as adopting Portland limestone cement (PLC) and using supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs). However, traditional SCMs are facing diminishing availability, propelling the adoption of alternative SCMs like reclaimed coal ashes and calcined clay to curb clinker usage and emissions. Additionally, innovative carbon-negative additives like carbon black offer potential in reducing the carbon footprint of concrete, though challenges remain in maintaining performance. This project not only aims to optimize new cementitious blends of PLC, alternative SCMs, and carbon-negative additives for reduced emissions but also seeks to educate undergraduate and graduate students, particularly those from underrepresented backgrounds. Through hands-on research and industry exposure, the project will foster a skilled workforce poised to address contemporary challenges in transportation materials.

Project Team

Principal Investigators

Other Investigators

  • Sanjeev Kumar, Ramesh Govindarajan

Last updated: June 11, 2024

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