Natural and Nature-Based Solutions Pilot Project

Project No: 124060-RC00158

Target Completion Date: June 30, 2024

About the project:

Nature-Based Solutions is a methodology currently being utilized to protect new and existing infrastructure from recurrent flooding and sea level rise. These methods are a natural, less expensive alternative to more traditional structural methods that rely primarily on the installation of hardened structures to protect the actual structure(s). Nature-Based Solutions could be considered by both Structure & Bridge Division and Location & Design Division while considering resiliency as part of future structural and roadway design as another way of protecting VDOT's infrastructure located within the coastal zone.

Incorporate Nature-Based Solutions adjacent to a pre-selected existing VDOT structure within the coastal zone to determine if such solutions are successful in increasing structural resiliency as opposed to more traditional structural solutions.

Showing successful incorporation of Nature-Based Solutions around existing VDOT structures within the coastal zone would further demonstrate the effectiveness of these methods for increasing resiliency of such structures. A successful pilot study would also further exhibit that lower cost and natural solutions are successful alternatives to strictly structural based solutions.

Project Team

Project Monitor

  • Kendal Walus, P.E.

Other Investigators

  • Alice McKee, ICF Incorporated, L.L.C.

Last updated: May 13, 2024

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