Pilot Test of Direct Liquid Anti-Icing Application in Snow Removal and Ice Control Operations

Project No: 75240

Target Completion Date: March 31, 2007 Pavements

About the project:

The purpose of this study is to document the costs, benefits and challenges involved with the implementation and operation of anti-icing in a snow removal and ice control program. 


          Pilot testing of anti-icing will be limited to the use of salt brine. The study will use test and control sections to compare anti-icing operations to regular operations for snow removal and ice control. Two separate sets of test and control sections will be used; one set in the eastern part of the state and one set in the west. The pilot test is scheduled over one winter season during FY2005.


A benefit-cost comparison will be made. Financial benefits and costs will be limited to those directly affecting operations and maintenance of the level of service. Environmental affects will be considered, but will not be part of the financial benefit-cost determination. 

Project Team

Principal Investigators

Last updated: July 5, 2023

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