Measuring Arterial System Performance

Project No: 105333

Target Completion Date: February 24, 2017 Safety, Operations, and Traffic Engineering

About the project:

The 2012 federal transportation authoriziation – MAP-21, the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act – places several new performance measurement and reporting mandates, including arterial system performance, on state transportation departments.


The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) is also interested in further, detailed system-performance measurement, as reflected in its current business plan goals.


This research project will support VDOT in achieving compliance with these MAP-21 mandates and in making more informed operations and resource-allocation decisions.


Specifically, this study will focus on identifying candidate arterial-system performance measures and data needs; exploring details of corridor segmentation for analysis and reporting; assessing impacts of missing data on performance measures; and conducting pilot analyses to calculate measures from actual Virginia data.

Project Team

Principal Investigators

Last updated: July 5, 2023

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