Evaluation of Merits and Requirements of Next-Generation Traffic-Control Systems for VDOT's Northern Region Existing Infrastructure

Project No: 00011

Target Completion Date: January 31, 2012 Safety, Operations, and Traffic Engineering

About the project:

The Virginia Department of Transportations’s Northern Regional Operations (NRO) operates and maintains more than half the traffic signals under VDOT's purview, which represents a significant investment and is a critical component of NRO’s operations infrastructure.  Given the age of the system’s infrastructure, the need exists to fully define its limitations under growing traffic demands and to determine when or if the system should be replaced or updated.  This project will result in the development of functional requirements for NRO traffic-signal control systems and a clear understanding of the gap between these functional requirements and the existing traffic-signal system’s capabilities.  The project will also result in the development of a migration plan for traffic-signal system hardware that addresses NRO’s specific needs as well as the other such regions across Virginia.

Project Team


Other Investigators

  • Monty Abbas

Last updated: July 5, 2023

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