Published in 1990
Bridges that are candidates for rapid repair techniques have peak-hour traffic volumes that are so high that it is not practical to close a lane to repair the deck or to install a deck protection system except during off-peak traffic periods. This report summarizes the results of the first 25 months of a 55-month project (Task 4 of SHRP Project CI03) to investigate rapid techniques for the protection, rehabilitation, and replacement of bridge decks. The report is based on a review of the literature and the responses to questionnaires sent to state DOTs, Canadian provinces, selected turnpike and thruway authorities, technology transfer centers, and material suppliers. The report identifies the techniques being used by the DOTs and compares the techniques from the standpoint of frequency of use, performance characteristics, time demands, service life, maintenance, initial cost, and life cycle cost.
Last updated: December 25, 2023