Fold-Up Concrete Construction

Report No: 75-R50

Published in 1975

About the report:

The fold-up method of concrete construction is a relatively new method of precasting a variety of structural shapes on a single flat surface and then folding portions up to form a three-dimensional shape. Structural members as beams, girders, columns, piers, footing, and retaining walls all having applications in bridge or building construction may thus be formed. Flat-cast panels, properly articulated, can also be folded up to form a variety of surface structures for architectural use. The advantages of fold-up construction over other types of precasting are those of simplicity, ease, and economy. The advantage of economy is particularly decisive for one-of-a-kind or individualized precasting as the need for expensive once used forms is eliminated. In some cases, fold-up construction greatly reduces the hauling weight of large precast components as well.

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  • William Zuk

Last updated: February 5, 2024

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